The CoverDoll Song Matching Game - Episode 45

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Doll Type: 

The CoverDoll Song Matching Game
Segment 45


Here is a game piece:

A brand new game.  No songs have yet been associated with this picture yet!

The doll featured is Dave7311's Valerie.  Thank you for use of the picture!

Can you see a song in this picture?    ****Please tell us ---- with a reply!


First song which came to mind was:
'Sunny Afternoon' by 'the Kinks'.

Poignant cryptic lyrics.
Probably that goes too far back for many. It was the days when one could still hear & understand the words clearly sung and video clips did not flash madly and too quickly from one point to another - so one could actually see and enjoy it.
Those were the days ... which reminds us of another song.
Mary Hopkins -


it means :

Brunettes do not count for nothing ;)
poor song... but nice legs ;)



Love the videos you post. So Vibrant.

hugs and kisses ....... Dolltime

Just made me think of the old Stylistics :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Not sure why this one comes to mind, but it did.  'Don't it make my brown eyes Blue' by Crystal Gayle!

On old country favorite!
