The CoverDoll Song Matching Game - Episode 7

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The CoverDoll Song Matching Game
Segment 7


Here is a game piece.

It is time for some fun. All practice and no play makes Grace.......well.......eager to play! :)

****Note ------ This is a completely new game. No songs have yet been associated with this picture. The doll is Grace who lives with Dragoneye! ------ Thank you for use of the picture Friend!

Do any songs come to your mind when you gaze at this one? Please share them with the class ---- with a reply!Laughing


It's got to be Vanessa Mae. ;)

But hey this is a classic called "Devil Went Down to Georgia."


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

Duelling Banjos.

Sorry Grace. You just have that 'challenging look' in the photo.
I 'll think of something nice and post later.

hug and a kiss.

'Let the Music Play' by Shannon.

Not sure why....but that was the first song that popped into my head.


Hard for me to find a song, i look for it since several days... so today i searched Google with song + violon
and found this song i don't know but i just love it :)

Jihan & Elle

nice one my friend ;)


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

Remember this one :)


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

I heard this song this morning and immediately thought that it was a call to friendship between Dolls :)

The Video clip is just awesome, the song is so cool (half french, half english) ! but it can't be shared directly, you may click on the link, don't hesitate ;)

Jihan & Elle

You Tub won't allow UK people to see that vid mate :( , so I have linked to another for you as well. Hope that is okay?

I have left your link for others that might be able to view ;) .


CoverDoll Publisher

To err is human to forgive divine.

I heard that Chineese government controls Youtube for the chineese peoples, but youtube.FR controling Emily Loizeau's video for UK peoples is just weird, lol ;)

Jihan & Elle

The violin had me stumped for a while.
The Corrs, so much talent and good looks in one family, especially the violin player, Sharon.
Grace, do you leave Dragoneye 'breathless'?

Just watched to make sure it works and something struck me.
Who does the beautiful sharon remind you of?
Clue: freeze video at 44 seconds and look down.
