foxhole23's blog

It's been a while!

Hello Everyone,

It has been forever since I added to my blog and Foxy is making all of us here post a few photos from the Meet -n- Greet that we all went to.  While Olivia might have been the least photographed from our group, I ended up being the most photographed.  But there is no doubt that my favorite part was meeting so many cool dolls who before I had only seen here and on the Forum (Especially Incrediwagon's Ceilidh whom I have always had a secret crush on!). 

Here's a few pictures that I liked:

Arrival at the B & B!

Me and Ceilidh finally meet! (Oh Heaven!!)

A walk down memory lane....

Hi friends,

I watched a movie this evening which ran me down memory lane, and I had a realization.  The movie was 'Purple Rain' starring Prince (or nowadays---The Artist formerly known as Prince---or simpler still  --The Artist).  In any case, the movie contains a song entitled 'Darling Nikki' and while listening to the words, I realized that I was named (in addition to the reasons named in my profile) ---also after the memories that were recorded into the subconsiousness of Foxy's memory when he heard this song.

Thanks friends - More Photos

Thanks for the nice comments everyone. Sorry I haven't been adding to my blog a lot lately. I have been working on several external projects over the last few weeks. Some have yielded content which will be posted soon. If you liked my shoots from last month, some yielded other poses that have been added to my Doll Album. Look on page 2 for the leftovers folder. Here is the link. You will have to copy and paste it in your browser address line for it to work as the TDF Album blocks referral links:
