The Lies We Tell.


We've all done it haven't we! Telling lies in bed or, to put it another way, 'Lying about sex'.

"Yes, OMG, yes, yes, yes ohhh, yes" - God I wish he'd hurry up and finish so I can get some sleep (about 70% of women fake orgasm with penile intercourse alone).

"Of course I Love you" -  I've got my dick inside you haven't I. (A very common response from men to ensure a fuck or reassure a partner during a fuck).

"Yes it was fantastic for me too" - no, it was pretty darn average actually, but I don't want to hurt your feelings, maybe next time ... if there is a next time.

Sex should be a time when one can shed barriers, both physically and emotionally, and just be totally open - ideally - but in reality our inhibitions, the imbalance of the sexes or a certain element of fear (insecurity) get the better of us and we lie about sex .....

As a general rule Men tend to lie to up their own ego & increase their chances for intercourse while Women tend to lie to boost their partners ego. The inference of that is somewhat obvious.

A common and scientifically proven lie is about the number of partners one has had in the past. Men over inflate their number to boost their 'Stud' factor image and Women reduce their number to minimise their 'she's easy' image. Others, well here are a few, to which feel free to add some more.

"It didn't mean anything, honestly". - Damn, it was good, I guess I'll just have to lie low for a while.

"It's OK, I don't mind, it happens sometimes". - Fuck, why now, I was so ready for it, guess I'll just have to fly solo - again!

"Oh, yeah, right there, yes". - Actually maybe a little higher and a smidgen to the left and some fondling foreplay would be nice.

"Of course I think of you all the time". - Except when I am fantasising about George Clooney, Hugh Jackman, Daniel Craig .......

"I'm not ready for a Partner right now". - Well, not you anyway.

Just working late at the office. - The strip club & brothel is kinda like my second office.

"I'm Sorry". - That I got caught. (note: politicians, executives and media moguls are particularly good at this, why anyone believes them is beyond comprehension).

"You're not fat".  - If only you'd get off your arse, be active, exercise and eat less.

"Lovely Dress" . - Once you take it off and let your hair down.

But getting back to the trickiest one, so easy to say in a moment of ecstasy or to hold on to someone who is slipping away:

"I Love You". - oops, quick, fix it with "...... your penis" or "..... your body" or "..... your vagina" (as the case may be) or just hope they didn't hear you in the heat of the moment. I don't doubt many partners / couples got stuck with that one - to regret later (what is it, 1 in 3 partnerships end in breakdown?).

The thing about lies ... is that ..... said often enough one tends to believe them.

A woman is having a hard time getting her tomatoes to ripen so she goes to her neighbour with her problem. The neighbour says, "All you have to do is go out at midnight and dance around in the garden naked for a few minutes, and the tomatoes will become so embarrassed, they will blush bright red." The woman goes out at midnight and dances around her garden naked for a while. The next morning, the neighbour comes over to the woman's house and asks the woman if her tomatoes have turned red. The woman says "No, they're still green, but I noticed the cucumbers grew four inches!"

hugs and kisses


Four more photos from the shoot can be seen here:



I really like the photos from the shoot 8) and that's no lie ;)


Great blog my friend and the article is so true. Thank god that the dolls can't fake it :D.

So nice photos too :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

Thanks guys. I found this on tumblr which kinda goes with the blog ...

I guess sex and fishing have a lot in common!Wink

Can you imagine society working without lies? Or relationships? 

No dear, the grey hair doesn't make you look old, just distinguished.

Gee I'm good at this. And I'll get him to contact you finally - no lie.

Kisses, Zara

Wink Lying is bad but, true, sometimes the truth hurts even more. But luckily there´s no need to lie to our silicone ladies and they don´t hurt us either. Chris

PS Great great pics!