Like the V. Babes how about this...


      I was wondering if it were possible to do a series of vintage aircraft nose art pics with the same quality of the V. Babes that are done. IMHO would be really something and a whole seriess of them, one a month, would be a great thing for some of us wintage aircraft fans Cool. I know it's not like you have nothing else to do or anything, LOL. Just a suggestion, though.



Hi my friend :) , sure sounds like a great idea and I’ll have a go for you. I presume you mean the cheesecake art on the US and British planes of WWII?

I did do a V. Babe many years ago with the Memphis Bell which is at the American air museum in the UK the pic is near the bottom, and not actually on the plane ;) . Is this what you mean or do you mean on the plane? No problem either way.

Let me know my friend, just PM me.



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