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March - and Ye Olde Internet (Nursery Rhymes) #2

Dear Readers,

We have a little saying in English "It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good", meaning that regardless how bad something is, someone, somewhere usually benefits. And so it is with our second medieval tweet.

Ring - a - Ring  o' Rosies

A pocket full of Posies

A- tishoo! A- tishoo!

We all fall down.

Varkeo Chronicles - Episode 3

Varkeo Chronicles - Episode 3

Varkeo Narrating (Bold)

Interpretations (Italic)

 I had turned back to look at Kinella but it was too late, her eyes had changed from yellow to red and she was coming at me with the knife.

Varkeo: Inititate Kooze Lock!

Kinella completely shutdown just in the nick of time. I look back at Violet angerly.

Violet: Sorry...
