Lovable Dolls

Silicone Dolls made by KnightHorse, LLC of USA

A Life in the Day of a Doll - 7.00 to 8.00 am

Hi There,

Well, I told you we had work to do didn't I. So we put our skivvies on and "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to housework we go"

Tash Vacuums, Tina does the Linen and I Fluff around a bit. Don't be fooled, Tash does have panties on, though it's very small - wouldn't want dust to go where it shouldn't now would we. Smile

Muz likes to keep the place shipshape (wonder why, I don't think he has ever been a sailor) so he puts us all to work.

A Day in the Life of a Doll - 6.00 to 7.00am

Hi All,

Continuing on from my 'sneak peak'.

After a morning cuddle with tina (isn't she just a 'dreamy one', I mean, look at her, probably still dreaming about her trip with Bunny Wunny to Brisbane).

Anyway, muz comes back to join us in bed with a nice cuppa tea. And on goes the radio to listen to the news and current Affairs. My My isn't the world in a mess.

A Day in the Life of a Doll - Sneak Peak

Hi Guys and Dolls,

Tash here and Nony here.

We have had a bit of a natter and decided. I (tash) will try to continue on with my monthly Calendar poses (not necessarily exactly the same as the wall calendar as previously advised). And I (nony) will try to depict, progressively each month, a day in the life of a doll at home.

Here is a sneak peak. 5.00 - 6.00am.

We are awake at 5.00am. Muz gets up, puts the kettle on, and starts the computer. Time for me to have a lie in and a cuddle with Tina. Yummy. Shoosh up Tash, you get your fair share too.

What a Weekend?

Hi Guys and Dolls,

What a weekend. The Kids and Grandkids (plus two dogs) ran muz ragged. He was exhausted when they left Monday morning, and in the middle of cleaning up the house and doing the washing. Guess who arrived. Yes, Nony. Yummy.

Dusty, but safe and sound from a marathon 16 day journey. Well they started to get acquainted, Took a while - No, nothing like that you lot, I don't know, talk about one track minds Tongue out

