MacMullen Interview by Mike Kelly

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By Mike Kelly

I saw the cheap horror flick “Urban Legends 2 – The Final Cut” – the main thing that I watched this cheap slasher flick for was the scene where a Realdoll had it’s head cut off to economically simulate a decapitation scene. Sure enough, the scene came and the Realdoll was decapitated – cleanly and realistically. As far as one could tell, an actual woman had been decapitated. I was amazed at how realistic the scene was – even to me a Realdoll owner the scene looked completely real.

Howard Stern – one of the most famous DJ of all time wanted to be blown on the air by a Realdoll back in 1997, - so Howard Stern called Matt down at Abyss Creations – the company that makes the Realdolls and had Matt – the owner of the company fly to New York with a Realdoll so that Howard could have a “Realdoll” deep throat him while on the air. After the infamous blowjob, Howard Stern said, "It was the best sex I ever had, I swear! This Realdoll feels better than a real woman! She's fantastic! May God take away all my ratings if I'm lying! I did it and I'm proud of it! It was fabulous! Thank you, REALDOLL.COM!"” Howard named his Realdoll "Celine", and she is now one of Abyss Creation’s best-selling Realdolls.

I was very curious after I heard about that incident. “What is a Realdoll?” I wondered. The birthplace of Realdolls is the sort of industrial-style factory you’d find anywhere, except for the silicone bodies hanging from the ceiling by special hooks. Some of those bodies are complete except for hair; others are headless and all are in various stages of assembly.

It turns out that Realdolls are the flagship product of Oceanside-based Abyss Creations, which has been selling sex toys of various kinds (re: Realcock) for about five years. Abyss Creations mastermind and president is Matt McMullen who says that his company has sold more than 900 Realdolls and handles over 500 new inquiries about the dolls per day.

Matt looks like the kind of guy you’d find surfing at Huntington Beach: blond hair, baseball cap, earrings and baggy pants. He doesn’t look much like an expert on silicone playmates. He’s a handsome guy with a quick smile and a firm handshake to match.

Matt McMullen usually does his work in a room who’s back wall is covered with pages and pages of anime and young Japanese nymphs in battle and in bondage; heavy-metal thunder blares from speakers around the work stations; collectors’ toys and action figures are strewn about; and there are portraits of women in various stages of undress. There are also disembodied breasts and vaginas lying about waiting for a man like myself to pick up and fondle. Just seven employees assist McMullen in creating all the Realdolls Abyss Creations ships, which on a good week is an amazing 7-9 units out into the hands of impatiently waiting customers. The usual waiting period is about 16 weeks to get your doll after payment is received.

Matt is a self-trained artist who specialized in Halloween masks, he began working on a possible-mannequin project about seven years ago—a project that eventually morphed into the Realdolls he makes today. McMullen insists that Abyss Creations is not part of the sex industry in the way that companies like Doc Johnson or Vivid Videos are. First and foremost, McMullen considers himself an artist.

I wanted to buy a Realdoll very badly after all that I’d heard about them, so I called Matt at Abyss Creations to ask him a few questions about his Realdolls:

Mike: “What is a Realdoll?”

Matt: “A “Realdoll” is the world’s finest love doll – as in a doll made for the purpose of having sex. Each Realdoll is hand crafted and anatomically correct. The body parts are molded from life-casts. The dolls are made using the same materials special effects artists’ use in Hollywood - an ultra flesh-like silicone that is soft and elastic. Each doll also comes equipped with their own articulated skeleton, with joints that allow them to move like humans. The dolls are heat, water and stain resistant. They're also odorless and flavorless. There are 5 different body types to choose from ranging in height from 5'1" to 5'10" and weighing between 90 lbs to 120 lbs. The bust sizes range from 34A to 34E (there is no B cup). Waists measure 23" to 26"; hips are all 34" (one is 36"). Dress size range from 1-7. Shoe size range from 5-7. You can choose from light blonde, medium blonde, auburn, red, brunette, brown or black hair - with 10 different hairstyles to choose from also.

A Realdoll’s breasts are made of a special formulation of silicone to make them look, feel, and bounce like real breasts. You can pull on her nipples since they can withstand approximately 400% elongation before tearing. The breasts are elastic and pliant so you can squeeze them and push them together for maximum cleavage.

Skin tones available are fair, medium, tanned, Asian and African. Eye colors are blue, brown or green. You can even choose what color you want her eye shadow, eyeliner and lipstick to be. You can go with a French manicure, pink, red, burgundy or bronze nails. Blonde, red or brunette pubic hair - shaved, trimmed or natural pubic hairstyle. The public hair is embedded one hair at a time into her silicone flesh. The hair on her head however is an artificial hair wig, attached with Velcro.

Each doll has vaginal, anal and oral entry. The vaginal and anal cavities are made snug to accommodate any insertion and use a different grade of silicone so they are softer and feel very life-like. The vaginal lips can even be stretched apart. The oral cavity contains a soft silicone tongue and teeth with soft stretchy lips and a hinged jaw.”

Mike: “Who usually buys a Realdoll?”

Matt: "The Realdoll is a very high-quality specialty product with a distinctive niche. This kind of product does not appeal to typical sex-toy customers, there isn’t one particular kind of person who wants a Realdoll, - married men, and single men—even a few single women. We’ve had a few customers who say they’re disfigured; they don’t have the self-esteem to get out there and meet women for themselves. We get some incredible letters—letters from men who say that the Realdoll has brought them a new level of self-confidence and brought them out of their shells. Couples have written how thrilled they’ve been and that introducing the doll to their sex life has helped them renew their feelings for each other."

Mike: “When did you start making Realdolls?”

Matt: “I started sculpting on a small scale about 1994. I would build clay sculptures of women under a foot tall. At one point they grew to about two feet tall. It was then that I decided to sculpt life-size, but I didn't want to have a rigid sculpture. I wanted it to be articulated like a real person, so that it could be endlessly re-sculpted in a way that you could change positions. So when I started this new project I realized these sculptures would make a great mannequin. People could use them as in-store displays because they're not limited to one pose. I had a small web site showing my work and started getting a lot of e-mail. People were saying, "this is incredible, can you have sex with it?" Even my wife had suggested I should make a love doll. I said, "Nobody would pay as much as it would cost to make.” I'm mostly a self-taught artist. I took a lot of art classes, a lot of drawing, and basic clay and molding. It initially took a year to get the doll to that point where it was functional. There was a lot of trial and error. At the time I was working for a Halloween mask company, so I had access to a lot of materials. I was able to rule out ninety percent of what was not going to work. It was then that I realized silicone was the way to go. Due to costs I had to be careful with what I tried."

Mike: “Why do your dolls cost so much?”

Matt: “Everything is hand made. It takes about eighty hours to make each doll. This is a very special process. That's why we're so different from your average doll-making company. Your typical love doll fits into a small box and sells for five hundred bucks. They don't care about the quality because they know a guy's not going to return it. It's a sex device. He can't take it back. The Real Doll is an art piece. I do every last step personally to make sure it's perfect. Each Realdoll’s comes clothed in a mini-dress, bra, panties, and thigh-high stockings in a 5'x2'x2' crate that weighs about 150lbs and includes a little chair for them to sit in.”

Mike: “Do you see your dolls ever becoming true Androids?”

Matt: “Basically I want to bring computers and the dolls together. We do have numerous things in development that will enable that to happen. There will be very sensitive touch sensors in different parts of dolls bodies and when you stimulate those areas there will be an appropriate audio response based on where you're touching and what you're doing. There's literally going to be thousands of responses and they will randomly mix together to form almost limitless combinations. For example if you were squeezing her breasts she will respond with audio based on the breasts. It's going to be very interactive to the point where there is intelligence there.

What we will have at some point is the ability to pick a personality to go with your doll. We're starting first with the audio response. Then there will be motion response. With those two things working on the same system you can not only custom build the appearance of your doll but also how she will respond sexually. Mike – If you want to see our dolls in action, you should consider ordering our Realdoll movie. This is not a low budget "Gonzo" video, but rather a feature film with explicit sex. If you have been wondering what a Realdoll looks like in action, then this film will fit the bill just fine the video costs $44.95 plus $6 S&H directly from Abyss Creations.” I thanked Matt for his time and promptly ordered the Realdoll movie.

It turns out that “Realdoll: The movie” was a full-length normal quality adult movie which features explicit sex scenes with both women and Realdolls. “Realdoll: The movie” was released by Abyss Creations in October of 1999. In addition to featuring Realdolls it also features Ron Jeremy in the role of Max, a man struggling with his sexual confidence with women when he breaks up with his long time girl friend Madeline (played in the movie by porn star Shanna McCullough) and discovers true love and sexual fulfillment in the arms of a RealDoll, which then comes to life (played by porn star Shayla LaVeaux - a custom Realdoll was created using life casts of Shayla La Veaux for this movie).

Throughout the movie, Ron Jeremy will have sex with both women and Realdolls and sometimes even both at the same time. Generally, the movie is considered of average quality for a porn movie, with fairly good acting on the parts of Ron Jeremy and porn star Shayla LaVeaux. The sex scenes are nicely filmed and are integrated well with the rest of the movie.

I also found out that Abyss Creations is not the only company making silicone love dolls, three other companies make them around the world also. Like Abyss Creations, one in the U. S., another one is located in Germany and yet another one is located in Japan. Each company’s silicone love dolls are a little different from the RealDolls Abyss Creations offers.


First Android is located in Germany, First Android markets their dolls as the first true “Android” ever offered for sale. While the company is located in Germany, they ship to any part of the world. I interviewed Mike, the president of First Android about the silicone love doll his company offers named “Andy2000.”

Mike: “Why are your love dolls considered Androids?"

First Android: A love without life is the way of the other silicone love doll creators. Now ANDY2000 is not a perfect android, but we working hard so that in the future we will be able to make the perfect sex-android. Every year we will add more and more features.

Mike: “What got you started in this business?”

First Android: “We got started on March 1st, 2001. That date is the birthday of ANDY2000.
I am a big fan of the movie “Bladerunner” and have always thought that androids would someday be for sale. That day is today! We have an extensive list of options already available for example: automatically opening and closing hands for hand-jobs, circling or lambent tongue, a head that nods during a blowjob and even vibrating lips.

Mike: “Why are yours love dolls the best on the Market?”

First Android: “All the other love dolls on the market are dead. They have not a little bit life
inside them. A dead love doll is a bad love doll. Andy2000 being an Android is alive and a true man’s companion.”

Mike: “What your love doll’s best features?”

First Android: “Best feature now, and available on all Andy2000’s ordered so far is the automatic circle tongue. In two years it will be the automatic hand with moveable fingers. These features are important to prepare the owner for sexual acts.”

Another company making silicone love dolls is N/C Dimensioning, Inc. who is also located in California. They are run by a guy named Mark and the name of their silicone love doll is “SuperBabe.”

I asked Mark a few questions about his silicone love dolls:

Mike: “What got you started in this business?”

Mark: “I started in a real strange way. I'm not an artist – I’m an engineer and I watched my neighbor struggle attempting to make a life size doll. It is MUCH harder than it seems. I took over when he through his hands up. And with blood sweat and gallons of tears we did it.

Mike: “What are SuperBabe’s best features?”

Mark: “Durability, price, availability. A customer spends 5500 bucks it darn well better not fall apart. We try to keep the cost down but we are small and we don't need to get rich. We really do enjoy thinking of what our girls will be doing in a few weeks. The customer wants a doll NOW and can't wait 16 to 18 weeks - might lose the feeling that caused them to order the doll in the first place.

Our dolls are strong – and not only in a durability way. SuperBabe isn't the pretty girl next door she is more the over -sexed vixen. SuperBabe is the awesome girl in a room that you don't think she would give you the time of day. But you own her now.

A great feature of SuperBabe is that we offer "expando boobs" - the customer can pump up her boobs to almost 3 times the normal size. It was an easy retrofit to our production molds. I never knew that guys that would enjoy putting on a tight blouse on SuperBabe and pumping up her boobs and ripping the material so much. It is kinda fun however. Next month we will be offering the "bucker" where she will thrust her hips back at you. The customer will have a control box and be able to adjust the speed of her thrusting.”

Mike: Why the name SuperBabe?

Mark: “SuperBabe - I know it’s lame. But she has over-the-top big boobs and a tiny waist and a nice butt. Not a "girl next door babe" - I know just a plain lame name.”

Our final company is located in Japan, and is called “Pandra Corporation” - who makes Asian silicone love dolls. Their most realistic model is called “Kumiko”. Unlike the other silicone love dolls on the market made by other companies, Rumiko is made of silicone skin covering a foam-like interior. The material is like car seats and is very light and soft. Rumiko weighs just 4kg. Also unlike the other silicone love dolls on the market, Rumiko only has 2 holes: a vagina and a mouth. The vagina is made of a silicone-type material and feels like a real vagina. It is also placed in the correct position for sexual intercourse and is removable for cleaning.

All the models that Pandra Corporation makes are Asian women. Their lightweight would make them ideal for those who can’t handle the weight of the other dolls, which is 90-115 lbs. Another interesting feature is the removable vagina, which means that different ones could be used to vary the sexual experience. Abyss Creations also makes an Asian model for sale and exports to Japan many Asian Realdolls.

After looking at the various models for sale, each one has it’s pro’s and con’s. For realism and beauty, the original Realdoll is still the best that you can buy. Matt’s sculpting work is true artwork, photographs of them have been known to fool people into believing that they were photographs of living people and not a silicone love doll.

So, I ordered a Realdoll and named her “Jazzi” after my girlfriend’s car. Sixteen weeks and $6000 dollars later, Jazzi arrives on my doorstep in a wooden crate 5 feet high. I open the crate – and inside is a cute blonde haired, blue eyed and tanned girl holding a flower wearing black lingerie.

So, I take her out of the box and take off her clothes. Amazingly realistic-looking; she appears to be a very busty California surfer girl. She is very pretty and sex with the doll is good…. almost too good.

Now I get allot of questions from potential Realdoll owners who see the Internet site I created to share my doll photos with that’s called “Seattle Realdoll home”. Good examples of the questions I get to answer from potential customers are as follows:

Jeff: “Is she better than a woman - is the Realdoll the answer to a man's dreams?”

Mike: “To some men she's the perfect woman. She never has a headache and is always ready and willing for uninhibited, no-strings-attached sex – anyway you want it – she doesn’t even complain when you want to fuck her in the ass. She doesn't go shopping, although you can always buy her clothes and makeup or a new wig. She's a life size Barbie doll.

She never grows old and doesn't get bloated or gain weight. The Realdolls made by Abyss Creations look very, very realistic and many of their owners feel a sort of attachment for them. Yahoo clubs are created for them, websites and of course photo shoots and photo galleries displaying the dolls wearing the latest fashions are in abundance. The Realdoll just barely qualifies as a sex toy because of their exorbitant cost. Besides the exorbitant cost, there is also the potential stigma of owning one. You just can’t tell everyone about your doll companions.”

Jeff: “Do you think each Realdoll is worth $5795?”

Mike: “True, many are turned off by the price, although in my opinion customers certainly get what they pay for. For $5,749 (plus $500 for shipping and handling), you get an almost totally customized, state-of-the-art love doll: you choose from five different body types, eight different heads and a host of different skin tones. Specify long blond hair, spiky red hair, blue eyes, and trimmed bush. Now if you want to have a gorgeous, three-holed, never-say-no vixen with a 34EE bust, the 34EE bust will run you an extra $250 dollars. Now, older dolls can be had used for as little as $2000 dollars and they fuck just fine. Also, a used doll can be resold for what you’ve paid for it, provided the condition of the doll is the same as when you bought it.”

Jeff: “Is sex better with a Realdoll than the real thing?”

Mike: “I had sex with two women and two dolls in the same day once…and I’d have to say that the dolls were slightly better. All of the Realdoll’s cavities allow for deep – and I mean deep insertions. When penetrated, a vacuum is formed inside a RealDoll's entries, which provides a powerful suction effect. This effect to me is strongest in a Realdoll's vaginal entry. Vaginal sex is best described as being “fucked” and “sucked” at the same time. You can tit-fuck the Realdolls that come with big tits too and it feels just like tit-fucking a real pair of tits. I love swapping dolls with other owners, you don’t know how exciting it is to fuck a new doll because all the Realdolls fuck a little differently.”

Jeff: “Any negative aspects to owning a Realdoll?”

Mike: “Plenty. You could lie to people and call them “photo-dummies”, or big Barbie-dolls to explain why you own them. You ever get caught fucking them by a girl friend and it’s over. I don’t know any woman that would stay with a man they catch fucking a Realdoll. That’s worse than cheating on them, because it’s being a pervert in many women’s eyes. Which is too bad, because in reality all they are is the male version of a vibrator. If I caught a woman masturbating with a vibrator I wouldn’t think anything of it, but for us it’s a whole different ball game. Also, you can never mention owning them to your co-workers or friends again, because you would risk being labeled a “pervert”. The only people you can talk about them to is fellow Realdoll owners.”

Now that we have four companies making silicone love dolls I think that the future of these dolls will be very interesting. Realdolls are in reality the first true “Androids” ever produced – robots so realistic that they could fool a person into believing that they were real human beings. The list of options available for your “Android” will continue to grow in the future – blinking eyes, sound activation when touched are going to be added in very soon. Artificial Intelligence and robotics will make the expensive Realdolls of tomorrow perform sexually exactly like a real woman – or even better. According to Matt – president of Abyss Creations we could see some robotic integration into his Realdolls in as little as three years. So, like computers Realdolls will continue to improve greatly with each new generation introduced.

Realdolls have been called the first true “Androids” ever produced – robots so realistic that they could fool a person into believing that they were real human beings. The list of options available for your “Android” will continue to grow in the future – blinking eyes, sound activation when touched are going to be added to the Realdoll option list very soon. Artificial Intelligence and robotics will make the expensive Realdolls of tomorrow perform sexually exactly like a real woman – or perhaps even better. According to Matt – president of Abyss Creations we could see some robotic integration into his Realdolls in as little as three years. So, like computers Realdolls will continue to improve greatly with each new generation introduced. “Basically I want to bring computers and the dolls together. We do have numerous things in development that will enable that to happen. There will be very sensitive touch sensors in different parts of dolls bodies and when you stimulate those areas there will be an appropriate audio response based on where you're touching and what you're doing. There's literally going to be thousands of responses and they will randomly mix together to form almost limitless combinations. For example if you were squeezing her breasts she will respond with audio based on the breasts. It's going to be very interactive to the point where there is intelligence there.

What we will have at some point is the ability to pick a personality to go with your doll. We're starting first with the audio response. Then there will be motion response. With those two things working on the same system you can not only custom build the appearance of your doll but also how she will respond sexually.” Says Matt, president of Abyss Creations. The Realdolls of today will become more affordable and even more realistic. Artificial Intelligence and robotics will make the expensive Realdolls of tomorrow perform sexually just like a real woman – or even better. According to Matt – president of Abyss Creations we could see some robotic integration into the Real Dolls in as little as five years. Real Dolls are in reality the first true “Androids” ever produced – robots so realistic that they could fool a person into believing that they were real human beings. The list of options available for your “Android” will continue to grow in the future – blinking eyes, sound activation when touched are going to be added in the very near future.

The future of Virtual Sex is very bright. The current batch of Virtual Sex Interactive DVD’s sell very well and will continue to become more immersive and allow the user even greater control over the environment and the sexual situations. Virtual Reality will open unlimited possibilities for human creativity. Humans will construct artificial experiential worlds that are not bound by the laws of physics, but which will be appear as real as physical reality to the participants. People will visit these worlds for entertainment and to work or socialize (or have sex) with other people who may be physically situated on a different continent. Will Virtual Reality simulations ever use 3D modeled women instead of a real one? Yes – in as little as five years. We can model women completely now with 3D modeling technology. The viewer could not even tell them apart from a real person. The real issue is cost. You can hire a woman to star in a porn flick for a little as $200. 3D modeling costs can be as high as $3000 dollars per minute today. As this cost lowers, more and more women seen in interactive DVD programs and regular porn movies will be rendered completely by a computer. Primitive virtual (and artificial) realities have been around for some time. The earliest applications were as training modules for pilots and military personnel. Increasingly, they are also being used in arcade games for entertainment. Because virtual reality is computationally very intensive, true Virtual Reality simulations where every object is rendered by a computer and appear completely life-like are 5-10 years away.

VR headsets will become even lighter and will continue to improve the video and sound quality. 3D graphics and head tracking will be added to future headsets at no extra cost. As computational power increases and as sensors, affecters and VR displays improve, VR headsets will begin to approximate physical reality in terms of fidelity and interactivity.

Now where does this leave the real woman? True these high end sex simulators allow single men to have very satisfying safe sex, but they can never give real love – or the romance that love can supply. Virtual Sex will free men of using women for casual sex – and allow the sexes to concentrate on relationships based on love and true friendship.

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