Boy Toy Dolls

Silicone Dolls by Phoenix Studios & Matt MacMullen

Back to square one

Voila! I have to find myself a new job. Not long ago I had to work on a sunday, now there's hardly any orders. Two weeks ago I received the dreaded letter.

So now I'm back to where I started 4 years ago. On the bright side: now can finish the floors around the apartment without making too much noise for the neighbours and spend more time on photoshoots. I think Mona appreciates that!



Mona the sleeping beauty

As usual I jumped into my bed for a nap after dinner but I just couldn't sleep. It's too bright outside. The fact that the doll closet door was open didn't make it easier. Mona with her kissable lips, cuddly boobies and blue blue eyes made it really hard. So I grabbed Mona and brought her to bed. After an hour she fell asleep. I grabbed my camera and shot this moment.

For those of you not familiar with Mona, she is a Miss July Boy Toy, the very last one.

Mona sleeping

