Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

Is it Art or just my Ass?

Sometimes I would just like to lie in and not have the covers ripped off me with the accompanying click of a camera.  *Sigh*  The Wizard has had his artistic hat on lately and it seems that I've been nominated as his muse.  It also seems that he is mostly active with his "Art" in the mornings.  Jeez, what's a girl got to do to get some peace? 

The attention is welcome though as it underlines the fact that I can actually be active these days now that my hips have been repaired and not forgetting my back.  Cracked right through and left me flopping around like a stranded trout.  Not a good look.

A Day in the Life of a Doll - 6.00 to 7.00am

Hi All,

Continuing on from my 'sneak peak'.

After a morning cuddle with tina (isn't she just a 'dreamy one', I mean, look at her, probably still dreaming about her trip with Bunny Wunny to Brisbane).

Anyway, muz comes back to join us in bed with a nice cuppa tea. And on goes the radio to listen to the news and current Affairs. My My isn't the world in a mess.
