Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

February Girl.

Hello Guys and Dolls,

February's arrived and, as promised last month, here is my version of our February Calendar Girl.

OK, OK so I really cheated with this one. I mean, I'm not blonde, I don't have big boobs, I'm not sitting on my haunches on a beach in the water and I don't have a blue and yellow bikini top, but hey, my pants are yellow like her bikini bottom.  What more do you want?  I think the 'lets get physical' look is sexy. Anyway, so I will not show the 'actual' February like I did with January last time. Next month promise I will.

Mischief's Musings

Well after finally finding my way around Coverdoll, I decided to start a blog.  I will say that I suck at these things as far as keeping them updated.  But I shall endeavor to do better.

As a few of you know I have been around TDF and Doll Chronicles for a while now.  My spousal unit (mbishop99) introduced me to TDF and the idea of getting a silicone doll last year.  He told me all about the dolls and showed me lots and lots of photos.  Mainly of a Mechadoll model named Sophie and of course TDF's own Sophie. 
