Anatomical dolls

Perhaps Love - video slideshow.

Dear Readers,
With Lubov gone to a new home, somehow our place seems just a little empty and quiet. We are still shedding a few tears at the moment.
However, it is nice to remember the good times we had together so we composed this little slideshow. And if you listen carefully to the words while watching the slides you may get a sense of how we feel.

hugs and kisses

Dolltime (less one)

Going, Going, Gone.

Dear Readers,

Our guests of this week are now gone, and with them one of the dolltime girls, Lubov.

Watching them leave she looked so stylish we thought perhaps she would be more at home in a Porsche than an old Ford Wagon but either way she would look good to passers by on the highway.

July - and a few last Laughs.

Dear Readers,

This is the last time Lubov will be one of the Dolltime calendar girls. Sad, yes, but maybe happy too, and hopefully she will pop into CoverDoll from time to time to let us know how things are going. We like the 'light at the end of the tunnel' effect, deliberately made & achieved by waiting patiently for the sun to be in the right position.

So what to say on such an occasion? How about a few last Laughs of Russian Humour:
