Anatomical dolls

Orgy Anyone?

Dear Readers,

The good news is that Natures rain and flood Fury in Queensland is subsiding. Well in excess of 12,000 volunteers (apart from the Local, State & Federal emergency services) are helping those affected and devastated with the mammoth clean up. Wonderful community spirit.

The bad news is that now some of Victoria and New South Wales are copping a dose of the same.

So what to do when Nature needs placating? How about an Orgy?

Seasons Greetings - and 'The Feast of Dolls".

Dear Readers,

Greetings of the Season to you all. May you enjoy peace & merriment. We wish you well for the year ahead.

As you see we are ready for "The Feast of Dolls".

What ? you have not heard of the feast of dolls or Sigillaria (little figures) to give it it's proper name.

Well ....... you know that modern Christmas is really just a composite of several year end ancient rituals, feasts & festivals from various & numerous cultures - about the time of the Winter Solstice - to celebrate the return of the Sun, or to them, the Sun God.

Some Quiet Time.

Dear Readers,

More, MORE - That sounds like something from Charles Dickens, 'Oliver Twist' to be precise. Will only jokes keep you happy? Well sorry, we are all joked out for the moment. Time for a bit of reading and culture.

Oscar Wilde, one of our favourites.
