Anatomical dolls


Dear Readers,

We have gone Green.

Well, at any rate, we have installed Solar Power Panels and Solar Hot Water.

Nony just wants to show her green panties but Lubov is keeping her dress down - or is she helping to reveal ?

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Dear Readers,

We decided to take a few days off from 'Home Renovating' - Well, muz dropped a bloody great concrete slab on his big toe and he needed cheering up.

Originally we just wanted to do some photos with foot ware ... OUCH Yell ... for a change. Not that we have much, too fiddly, time consuming & difficult to fit and pose.

Anyway as we progressed we wondered what it would be like to pose as 'Good Time Girls'. We even gave ourselves 'Good Time Girl' Names.

So Guys and Dolls, here we are parading (see below) for your view and Wondering:

Paper Doll - Well it was 1940's, Silicone Dolls had not been created.

Dear Readers,

We hope you can play this and enjoy some nostalgia from the 1940's by the Mills Brothers.

Actually muz's RG girlfriend popped in one day after her singing group session and excitedly said she had just the song for us. So we got some old photos out and made this slideshow. Enjoy.

hugs and kisses



